Trying New Things

At the beginning of 2011 rather than making a whole host of new year's resolutions, I decided to make just one - "try new things". This included a list of things I'd thought about and put off and random things that might come up. Funnily enough one of them was starting my own blog! Obviously I didn't get around to that in 2011, but I'm starting it now. And I'm going to use my new experiences of 2011 as the building blocks for my blog to begin with.

To read about my experience with each particular list topic just check my blog post about it. As you can see I'm not quite finished yet, but I'm getting there! Please feel free to comment and provide feedback - I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1. The Big Jab (my experiences with Botox)

2. Skin Care (finding an awesome new skin care range)

3. The Australian Women Writers 2012 Reading/Reviewing Challenge (making a commitment to discover  new authors and of course read and review their work). I have also joined the Great Aussie Reads Challenge.

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